
African and African American Studies is here to offer support, mentorship, and resources for students. AAST majors are present and active in a number of student organizations, receive scholarships, and earn scholarly awards for their work. The AAST program is proud to support our scholars. Learn more about scholarship opportunities in our program. 

Applications for the academic year are due:  March 1

Get Started to Apply 

AAST Majors, apply for the AAST Academic Scholarship:

AAST Academic Scholarship Application Form  


  • African American Studies Study Abroad Fund: Study abroad scholarship.
  • African American Studies Scholarship: 
    For students majoring in African and African American Studies.
  • Bayard Rustin Endowed Scholarship in African American Studies:
    Juniors and seniors in good academic standing who has an interest in promoting human rights. Includes internship requirement.
  • Dillard’s and CDI, LLC Endowed Scholarship in African American Studies:
    Preference to Arkansas resident major in Engineering.
  • L E “Gene” and Jean Hudson Scholarship
  • Dr. Roy S. Bryce-Laporte Endowed Award. Students majoring in African and African American studies. Preference to academic achievement, financial need, and students who are citizens of the Republic of Panama.
  • Ronnie Brewer Endowed Scholarship in African and African American Studies:
    Preference to Arkansas resident with interest in pursuing journalism as a career.

For scholarship information, contact our office at or 479-575-2872.